
7 Ways for Good Heart Health

It is important to take care of our hearts if we want to have a better life, live longer, and more active.

Smoking is quite bad for the heart and is one of the major causes of coronary heart disease. So if you're a smoker, quitting smoking is the best thing you can do to reduce the risk of heart disease and take care of your heart. To stop smoking is not an easy thing to do if you have a long time smoking history. You can choose to reduce smoking gradually to stop smoking. It would be easy and healthy for you.
You will be shocked by how your health will change when you stop smoking, you will notice a difference almost instantly, but the good news is that after 15 years of not smoking, the risk of a heart attack will be the same as someone who never smoked!!

2, Take exercises
To have physical exercises do not mean you have to go to the gym. It means you have to be active in daily life. Instead of watching TV on the sofa or sitting at a desk or a screen for hours, it is better to stand up walking for minutes. When you stay sedentary, it will lead to heart problems such as heart attack and stroke. Also, you can do some housework or gardening or taking a dog for a stroll. We have 150 minutes of exercise per week.

3, Care about your health
Your mental health is just as critical as your physical health, and having a mental problem can also affect your heart's health. Looking after yourself if you have a mental problem can also feel daunting. The good news is that you can lower the risk of developing heart and circulatory disorders by taking steps towards a healthy lifestyle.
You can discuss this with your GP if you're concerned about your mental health. There are counseling and medicine available to help you live well.

4, Get FRESH air
Air pollution can cause damage to the heart and to your circulation. Polluted air may come from a variety of sources, such as domestic wood-burning and vehicles, in particular diesel exhaust emissions, as well as industry. If possible, consider walking or cycling to unpolluted areas, particularly if you have a health problem.

5, Get at least  7Hours sleep.
Research from Sleep Health shows that the heart for people who sleep for 5 hours or less is 1.5 order than those who have 7 hours of sleep.  If you do not have enough rest, you get no benefits from your other healthy lifestyle choices.

6, Eat Earlier
We are often suggested to have breakfast, no matter how busy we can. Now, a new trend is for us is to have dinner. The blood pressure would lower down if we have dinner early because our body has to get rid of early too much sodium when you eat earlier in the day.  It does not mean we do not eat anything in the evening. What we have to do is consuming most calories by midday and have a small evening meal.

7, Eat some Dark Chocolate
Have three 1-ounce servings of Dark Chocolate containing at least 60 percent cocoa a week have a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular and other heart-related diseases. It is possibly due to chocolate flavonoids that dilate blood vessels and help avoid arterial stiffness and build-up of plaque.